
Citroën C4 Classic Cars for Sale

Citroën C4

Citroën C4 - From humble beginnings

The Citroën C4, much like the French countryside it once roamed, is brimming with charm and sophistication. The automobile first graced the asphalt in October 1928 and upon release, the Citroën C4 was an innovative and contemporary machine, a stark contrast to then aging Type A model that it emphatically replaced. The Citroën C4 design borrowed heavily from those of the United States and its similarities are apparent when compared to the Ford Model-A. As a testament to its demand, more than 120,000 Citroën C4 models were sold throughout its short production life. Alas, despite its apparent popularity, it gave birth to only one variant, the high-end Citroën C4 .

Citroën C4 Model history:

First appearing in the spring of ’28, the Citroën C4 lasted only 4 years in production before its untimely cessation. Despite it being a superior machine to the previous B14 model in every regard, it failed to outsell the aforementioned by a mere 6,000 units. The rear-wheel drive car was fitted with a 'Floating Power', 4-Cylinder engine capable of outputting 30bhp and reaching a top speed of 80km/h. There were only three revisions of the Citroën C4 after release: the C4 III, the C4F (in 1930) and the C4G (1931). The Citroën C4 III, released in 1929 had its top speed increased to 90km/h while the C4G was fitted with a modestly larger engine, capable of outputting 32bhp (2 more than the previous iteration).

Citroën C4 : When a little power, really does go a long way

Citroën’s tinkering did finally lead to production of the C6, which was tailored for those preferring performance without sacrificing comfort. The C6, in comparison to its more common Citroën C4 assembly-line brother, was given an overhauled 6-Cylinder engine. This modified motor was capable of outputting 45bhp and allowed the machine to reach maximum speeds of up to 105kph, while the 3-speed gearbox transferred from the Citroën C4 remained relatively untouched.. The C6, like the Citroën C4, underwent 3 revisions: the C6E, C6F (1929) and CGL (1931). The C6G meanwhile, not only received a 5bhp increase, its sales also saw to the release of a roadster variant, the last in its line.

The C6 G Roadster: The beginning of the end

By 1932, C6G roadster was released to the public. Unbeknownst to most, it was a harbinger of things to come. As after 4 short years of production, the Citroën C4 and C6 would ultimately cease to exist. Yet in the brief years it carried citizens to and fro on cobble streets and pastoral highways, it did so nobly. The Citroën C4 was a machine full of life, proof that the French really can make good cars after all.

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Image 1/10 of Citroën C4 (1930)
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Mille Miglia
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Image 1/15 of Citroën C4 (1931)
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1931 | Citroën C4

Reinsetzen - starten - voll funktionstüchtig - losfahren

Price on request
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Image 1/10 of Citroën C4 (1930)
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