
Oldtimerfarm specializes in consignment sales of vintage and collection cars. We also offer climate controlled and secure storage space for your vehicle . Furthermore; for all those times when a classic car needs to be moved from A to B, we take care of transportation.
- consignment sales
- storage
- transport
263 voertuigen te koop
Uw contactpersoon
Heer Jeroen Deklerck
Heer Olivier Molenaar
Heer Xavier Molenaar
Verkochte voertuigen
Routebeschrijving & Contact
Dealer profiel
Oldtimerfarm Bvba
Xavier Molenaar
Lobulckstraat 9
B-9880 Aalter Belgium
GSM +32(0) 472 401338
BTW Nr BE 886122516 Open Teusday- Saterday, closed on Sunday and Monday
[email protected]