MATTIA GRANDORI GmbH provides brokerage services, market advisory and digital solutions to support private collectors and car design companies, like Zagato and Manifattura Automobili Torino. The objectives include working with clients to deliver a unique approach to the building of their car collections, and an unrivalled expertise of car culture to ensure the deserved future of their cars.
Current services
Brokerage of private cars
Few off and One off cars
Car and collection expertise, and advisory, specially for younger generations
(Digital solutions to get easier and safer every process when owning a rare car)
Vission and Mission
Company aims to stand for the evolution of collectible car market. The vision of combining car culture with digital innovations for an ultimate advisory boutique, to guarantee equal legacy and value of private collection through younger generations of car collectors. The mission is to become the benchmark for the future of the collectible car market, starting by the roots of the history of cars and growing up to create the first virtual market of car collections (already a US reality), accessing to the latest trends, and solutions, of the deep-tech market.
Servizi al cliente
- Car broker
- Market expertise
- Digital services for managing and digitising the history of the car
- Experience
6 Veicoli in vendita
Il tuo contatto
Sig. Mattia Grandori
Speaks: inglese (English) francese (français) tedesco (Deutsch) italiano (italiano) spagnolo (español)
Sig. Mattia Grandori
Sig. Mattia Grandori
Mappa & Contatto

Note legali della concessionaria
Die Gesellschaft bezweckt den Betrieb eines Handels- und Beratungsunternehmens für Automobilsammler, insbesondere von Oldtimern. Die Gesellschaft kauft/verkauft, vermittelt und bewertet Oldtimer und bietet persönliche Dienstleistungen aller Art in diesem Zusammen hang an; vollständige Zweckumschreibung gemäss Statuten.