Kölnberger GmbH & Co.KG

Classic cars are not only a guarantee for pleasure and enjoyment, they also represent a substantial investment.
A good research about the history is therefore as important as experience and a trustworthy statement about the car`s condition.
For many years now I am involved in the car business and seriously endeavoured to earn the confidence of my clients.
I `m looking forward to your request.
7 vehículos en venta
Sus contactos
Señor Martin Kölnberger
Señor MArtin Kölnberger
Speaks: inglés (English) alemán (Deutsch)
Direcciones & Contacto

Pie de imprenta del comerciante
Kölnberger GmbH & Co.KG
Gut Hausen, Hausener Gasse
52072 Aachen
+49 241 13271
Martin Kölnberger