
DKW Oldtimer kaufen


Bild 1/50 von DKW Auto Union 1000 (1961)
1 / 50

1961 | DKW Auto Union 1000

Auto union Andree Formula Junior Mid-engineerd race-car for the Formula Junior-series, Competition class from the late 50s and early 60s, Fitted with "the Deek" 1.000cc (DKW) engine, Nice history-file with letters/ correspondence starting in 1965,, Or prepare for racing again or as a fantastic addition in your "man cave"

102.806 CHF
Fahrzeug ansehen
Bild 1/12 von DKW 1000 SP (1962)
1 / 12

1962 | DKW 1000 SP

Audi  1000SP

27.010 CHF
Fahrzeug ansehen
Bild 1/50 von DKW 3=6 (1956)
1 / 50

1956 | DKW 3=6

Auto union DKW F93 Superb and original (driving) condition, First paint - original 34000 kms, Accompanied with the original board booklets, History file with purchase invoice (1956-1957) available, A true time capsule, From the collection of a renowned classic car expert from Germany,

18.645 CHF
Fahrzeug ansehen
Bild 1/30 von DKW Auto Union 1000 S (1959)
1 / 30

1959 | DKW Auto Union 1000 S

DKW / Auto Union -1000 SP 3 cil.

27.571 CHF
Fahrzeug ansehen
Bild 1/39 von DKW Schnellaster F800/3 (1962)
1 / 39

1962 | DKW Schnellaster F800/3

La furgoneta del abuelo

82.245 CHF
Fahrzeug ansehen
Bild 1/15 von DKW 1000 SP (1962)
1 / 15

1962 | DKW 1000 SP

DKW Auto Union 1000 SP

27.001 CHF
Fahrzeug ansehen