- Motorcycle
- NSU (3 offers)
NSU Classic Cars for Sale
The NSU company was founded in 1873 in Riedlingen by Christian Schmidt and Heinrich Stoll. In the first years NSU manufactured sewing machines, and the first motorbike was produced in 1901.
NSU - The story
With the company's move from Riedlingen to Neckarsulm in 1880, the name NSU was created. This is an abbreviation for Neckarsulm. At the beginning of the 20th century NSU concentrated exclusively on the production of motorcycles, bicycles and from 1906 also cars. Until the First World War NSU developed into the leading manufacturer of motorcycles in Germany, whereby all models produced to date were simply christened "Neckarsulmer". After the end of the war this positive development continued at NSU and additional markets were opened up in Russia, Scandinavia and even South America. At the end of the 1920s, NSU took over the ailing Carosseriewerke Schebera AG from Berlin and subsequently came to the brink of financial collapse itself. Until the outbreak of the Second World War NSU was not only able to stabilize, but also to become the second largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world. Together with the successes in motorcycle racing, the 1950s were NSU's heyday. NSU's last motorcycle rolled off the assembly line in 1963. In August 1969 NSU merged with Auto Union GmbH to form the predecessor of today's Audi Group. Numerous Audi models are still produced in Neckarsulm today.
NSU Lambretta - The classic
The NSU Lambretta came onto the market in the mid-1950s during the company's final peak phase. With nearly 120,000 models sold, the Lambretta was the most successful NSU motorcycle. This is a licensed adaptation of a scooter from the Italian motorcycle manufacturer of the same name, Lambretta. At the same time the NSU Max or Supermax. The sporty version NSU Supermax reached a top speed of about 200 km/h, which would correspond to a super sports car in today's standards.
The NSU Logo
The company's first logo was created in 1902 shortly after the start of motorcycle production. This logo was borrowed from the coat of arms of Württemberg, where NSU had its headquarters. The initials of the company were arranged along the antlers, with one letter placed between each antler. In 1914, the logo was adapted and then changed only slightly at certain intervals. The letters NSU were arranged in a circle, from 1961 onwards three white letters could be seen in the logo on a blue, square background and with a red partial border.
Search results

1954 | NSU Fox 101 OSB Viertakt
Schicke italienische Ausführung "Fochi"

1950 | NSU 250 Speedway